Happy New Year!!
Last year was a pretty tough year for mommy: her sickies got a lot worse - March 2011, her biopsy showed her fatty liver disease turned into Cirrhosis of the Liver stage 4. The year before (4/10) she was stage 3 fatty liver disease. She worked really hard in 2010 to get as healthy as possible. We all had helped too! We went for alot of walkies and mommie lost lots of weight. Her doctor was very pleased with her results. He had even told us we could keep our liver about 10 years. So when we found out that was not true anymore, her doctor had lots more test done to see why we went to stage 4. After a while, they told her she had a genetic disorder called
Alpha-1. They said she had pretty much lost 10 years of her life! Geezers! I am sure glad hooman years are not like dog years! So mommy now has to be really careful of what she eats and things she does. She seems to always be happy and smiling, but Lala and I sleep with her and we really know her the bestest. She is always in pain and not feeling well. She never complains though. So me and Lala make sure we are always by her side keeping her happy. I just wish she wouldn't work soooo much. But she says that if we want our snackies, then she has to go to work. So we make sure she goes everyday! Except for yesterday and today. We are taking care of her because she is not feeling well and the doctor said she couldn't go to work for two days.
Our Auntie Sylv (the one with lung cancer) was diagnosed in September with that ugly C monster in her thinking cap. She went over the rainbow on November 16th. Mommy was very, very sad. we were worried about her because she didn't cry like she usually does when doggies go over the rainbow. But she said it is because we are strong in our walk with God and it's ok for auntie S to be in heaven now. But I hear her late at night. I just snuggle up to her and let her know how much I love her.
So, you see why I just didn't have the heart to pester her as often enough to catch up on my blogging. This year, I KNOW it's going to be a fantastic year not just because of blogging, but mom really needs to get it together and focus on moi! OOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!! We got Mommy a new laptop computer with lotts of brains in it and it is super fast! She was so impressed with our gift she has been working on it the past few days to get it all set up. NOW there is no excuse for her not doing her Mommy duties efficiently!!
And guess what!!! Remember last
christmas 2010 we introduced our newest little puppy to the family??? Well she is now walking, says a few words like stop, kitty, doggie and daddy. She just turned 7!!! Oh ok..... 1 year.
May 2011 |
Sep 2011
Oct 2011
Dec 2011 |
Mommy & Izzie
New Year 2012
With much love, hugs & smoochies!