Well. You know detective Moi! I have snooped through drawers, under couches, in closets and all I can find is cat hair and more cat hair!!! Oy vey!!! I tell you, I am so tempted to shave their pretty little bodies!!!! But they really enjoy chasing me around till I am almost in tears.
Well. Since everyone has been so uppity poopey lately, I just can't tell you how it has had an effect on poor lil'ol me...... Just the mere thought of it all makes me wanna cry! Well let me tell you what happened to me today. Mom and dad had to go to Ralph's market to gather a few goodies for the celebration and all. They don't always take me and I really don't mind because it gives me a chance to meditate. I just don't know what had gotten in me today, but while they were gone, I got myself so worked up in a tizzy that I was left alone by my lonesome self. O M G!!!! With every noise I heard, I panicked! That just wasn't like me at all! One thing led to another and before I knew it, I had scratched on the living room window screen so much that I made a huge hole in it! Oh my gosh! I said to myself. Gal you just went ahead and paved your own escape. Just between you and the barn door, I was quite excited to know that I could do it! I looked out the window and said "oh-oh." I sat and cried more...... I was on the 2nd floor!!!!! damit!
Dad's car drove up and then I heard it..... Mom's frantic voice screaming for me. She really thought I was that naive that I would actually jump to my death. Thanks mother! As she ran into the apartment, I did what I know best. I cried as if I was terribly sorry and let her know how taken back I was by the whole ordeal with everyone moving in/out here/there. I played the part like a natural born actress!
And the Grammy Award goes to......... MOI!!!!!